Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Faith, Love, and Hope (Part 2)

Yesterday, I summarized Faith in Salvation by concluding that we have to mature, and discover what Faith can really do.

In order for us to mature, we have to hear the WORD, read the WORD, and Pray in the WORD.

As I stated earlier, the LORD gave me seven manifestations of Faith for us to apply it in a practical way. This does not mean that you, per se, have not, but maybe someone else is struggling to make it applicable in their lives.

One thing is for certain, no two believers look alike, talk alike, or minister alike. We do not communicate with GOD the same way. We are unique, and distinguished by the call upon our lives, and temperaments. We were all set apart for a specific work for the same Boss. This uniqueness is something that should be honored and respected.

In life so many variables influence us: culture, upbringing, and social status, but the same LORD cares about us all. The rich are not regarded any less, nor are the poor regarded more in the eyes of GOD when it comes down to a revelation of who he is.

2 Peter 3:9 in part states: He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

is the word that stands out to me, and that means that GOD will appoint, and send out who he deems fit, not man, to reach everyone.

As always I prayed before I wrote this, and waited until the Holy Spirit said, “Write now, and I will speak to you.”

Faith in Deliverance is no different, and it is the second manifestation of Faith.

The biblical meaning for the number two is to divide, and we know that there is discord between good and evil, light, and darkness, freedom, and oppression.

From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. Selah
Psalm 3:8

In the beginning we were separated from GOD by sin. Eve listened to the serpent, and Adam passively went along with it. But GOD had a plan to deliver us out of the hands of the enemy, and the sin nature, by sending his son to pay the price for it all.

Through him we have the Victory!

When you read the manual to life, which is the Bible, you will see how the LORD delivered the people out of Egypt, where they were oppressed by Pharaoh. He did not deliver them when Pharaoh first usurped his authority over them; he did it when he heard them crying out, because of their slave drivers.

The people were enslaved for forty years, but I believe they had to get to a point where they were sick and tired of someone else having dominion over them.

The Israelites were free to do as they pleased. They were not in bonds, they were not thrown in prison after a long, and hard day of work. They had families, and festivities, and lived a life without GOD that brought forth misery. But they hit rock bottom, and needed God’s divine intervention.

In order for us to be delivered we have to be sick and tired of being a slave to sin. We have to be sick of Satan’s influence over our lives by generational curses, and call out to GOD in Faith to be delivered.

Pharaoh was an enemy to the Israelites, and therefore he was an enemy to GOD. satan, and his little workers called demons are enemies to us, and an enemy to GOD.

The LORD brought the Israelites out in a supernatural way through the red sea, and provided for them in a supernatural way; manna fell from the sky.

Do you not perceive it? Do you have a revelation, and picture in your mind of how Faith can bring you out safely, provide for you, and restore you?

Friend, I’ve had those types of encounters with GOD. I received a revelation about Faith, and discovered what it could really do in me, for me, and around me.

The enemy will always oppress, or attempt to oppress you, to prevent you from becoming what GOD has called you to be while you were in your mother’s womb.

The bible says, in
Exodus 1 9-10 Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become much too numerous for us. 10. Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.”

Jesus is your red sea. He is waiting for you to call out to him where you are, and say “save me from this addiction, this lying spirit, anger, torment, demon possession, or sexual immorality.” He wants to deliver you from poverty in the natural, and in the spirit, as well as sickness, and any foe camouflaged as your friend.

Friend, the enemy knows that once you get a revelation of what Faith can do, and your GOD given potential, that you will join the army of GOD, and fight against him alongside your brothers and sisters.

That is why he has been dealing shrewdly with you.

There are many stories in the Bible about deliverance. The woman caught in adultery was delivered from her accusers.

And Jesus told her:
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin. John 8:11 NIV

Also, a man was delivered from an illness caused by sin, he was paralyzed for 38 years, but laid idly at the place known to heal people called the Bethesda pool.

I believe that this man was demonically oppressed. He expected assistance from others, but never asked for assistance, and was constantly overlooked, because of his physical state.

Friend, mature and listen to the voice of GOD, often he is speaking to you through his ambassadors that he called to do his will, and declare the Kingdom of GOD to you.

Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be well?”

The man did not answer the question directly; he tried to deflect the question by blaming someone else for his condition.

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. John 5:8-9 NIV

We do that sometimes. It is always another person's fault for our grown-up behaviors, and consequences.

My father left me, my mother did not raise me right, or I was abused.

Beloved, I know they messed up. I know you were hurt. I know it affected you greatly, because it changed the course of your life, but Jesus wants to separate you from all that, and give you Love, and Hope in him.

Someone you loved dearly was snatched away through tragedy, or sickness, but even in death, life is still found.

Give it to him today, and leave it in Egypt.

When the Israelites departed from Egypt, they left with gifts from the Egyptians.

Beloved, when we are delivered, we are then rewarded with many gifts. We are restored, and provisions are made that exceed our wildest expectations, because the enemy has to give it all back.

The love one that passed away will never return to you, but GOD will give you someone to take their place.

Beloved, all of the years that were stolen from you, because of your addiction, or abuse you suffered, or being financially crippled, the devil has to release the goods to you, because you are now free.

Faith in Deliverance sets you free, but you have to maintain it by maturing in your relationship with GOD, because GOD delivers you every day from unseen and seen dangers.

In order for Faith to work, you have to renew your mind; to put on the new man or woman in Christ Jesus. You do this by staying in the presence of the LORD. His presence is in his WORD, which should also be found in your heart, mind, and will, because you are his temple.

Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16

John 5

14. Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” 15. The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.

You may be wondering why people keep talking to you about the LORD, when you have made it clear by your actions that you do not want to live GOD's way.

It is because Jesus loves you, and you owe him your life, because your life is not your own. He desires to see you living the life he died for on Calvary. He is trying to prevent something far more tragic from happening to you.

When Faith in Deliverance has manifested in your life, you will not keep silent. You will not downplay your transformation; you will not be ashamed of your previous condition, because your Egypt is behind you, and you have been separated from the darkness, and received another gift from the Father through the Son.

GOD is always Faithful and just in his timing.

God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14

"I Am"
sent this WORD to you. Whatever you need deliverance from, it is yours today.


A Simple Prayer;

LORD, I cry out today with a sincere heart to be delivered, and set free from my Egypt (be specific). I cry out to be delivered from the enemy who seeks to destroy the plan, and purpose you have for my life. I am sick, and tired, and I want to be well, and whole in you. I want every gift that you have for me according to the riches found in Christ Jesus, and believe that Jesus died so that I would have eternal life and a rich life here on earth. I fall out of fellowship with my Egypt, and forgive my oppressors, including myself, and I thank you for your patience, Faith, Love, and Hope that you have in me, In Jesus’ name Amen!

FIGHT (Freely Inviting God to Handle Things)

Our Youth Ministry brought forth a Powerful Message called: Fight (Freely Inviting God to Handle Things) on February 26, 2012.

Please click on the player to the lower right labeled "We are now on Talkshoe!" to listen to the message or download mp3 teachings for free.

You can also download our podcast on Itunes, Zune, Blackberry, and Stitcher Smart Radio.

Please click on the link to the right to download via Itunes or click the title above to go directly to Talkshoe.

I encourage you to stay in his WORD, stay in Prayer, and yield to the Holy Spirit, and you will grow into the image he has set for you before the foundation of this world.


WEmpowered Outreach Ministries © 2012 Aisha Laws

Monday, March 12, 2012

Faith, Love and Hope

As we embrace our week, accomplish every task, and overcome every obstacle, I would like to share with you some words of Faith.

The beauty of life is the journey, which is my personal belief. We all have our own perspective on the subject that stems from our upbringing, culture, and personal experiences, but how we live our lives based off of these facts is another matter.

Faith, Love, and Hope is a triple threat to the enemy, and a recipe to overcome any obstacle we face along life’s highway.

It will not prevent the ups and downs, but it will give us the confidence that this too shall pass.

I laugh at myself sometimes just thinking about how foolish I used to think about Faith, Love, and Hope. I had my own ideas of how these three were to function in my life, not realizing that they were one in the same, but also carried out different purposes in my life.

You may have had those moments, when you think love should produce faith, or faith should produce love, and become frustrated, or depressed when faith does not produce what you hoped for.

There are many examples that can be given to illustrate this, but I am going to use a relationship to show how we can use these out of context.

Sally is in love with Ray, and she hopes that the Love she continues to demonstrate in their relationship will win his devotion to her. She has Faith that this method is going to bring forth the desires of her heart, which is marriage.

First, and foremost, the love that Sally feels for Ray is not the Agape (Love) of GOD. Her love is a conditional endearment, and can lose its momentum if it is not reciprocated. Secondly, her Faith is in her own method, which is limited by her own belief system. Most likely, she has seen or read this form of manipulation from mainstream sources like television or magazines. But it's also possible that Sally has modeled this behavior from her mother, father, or custodial guardian.

This demonstration of Faith, Love, and Hope is false. What is programmed in her is not the Faith, Love and Hope of the LORD, and the Savior. Her foundation is all wrong. It is being laid under false pretenses, and will only erupt in her face. This recipe will only add to her list of disappointments, thus believing that Faith, Love, and Hope cannot be attained in her life.

In Sally’s case, for Faith to work she and Ray would have to have an agreement in mind, heart, and will to produce a united hope.

Now this example was just a basis for Faith. It is not the meat and potatoes. We know that most relationships like this have many variables to factor in. But most people do not care about the variables, they care about their desires.

We may have taken that approach with GOD, in regards to our Faith in him, and his WORD. We did not factor in the variables; we only focused on our desires. But in order for Faith to work, we have to have a relationship with GOD that is not conditional.

Have you prayed about your desires, and allowed God to appraise them?

As I searched my heart, and spirit to articulate the true functions of Faith, Love and Hope from a biblical truth, the LORD began to speak to me and said, “It is simply by believing in me, and my instructions.”

As I looked at the word instructions many things came to mind like orders, lessons, teachings, directions, demands, commands, coaching, and assistance.

I am pretty sure you too could share a testimony or two about Faith, and we would learn another course that one had to take to become confident in GOD. When we share our Faith, we share our lives. We become one because GOD is the source of our Faith. There is no comparison or debate about it if we serve the same LORD, and received the same death and baptism in Christ JESUS.

The first manifestation of Faith is Salvation, and it is a gift from GOD. This gift is gained through his son, Jesus Christ, and in him we obtain forgiveness for our sins (past, present, and future).

The biblical meaning for the number one is Unity. It is by the sinner’s prayer that we are reconciled back to GOD through Jesus Christ, and we find ourselves at peace with GOD.

It seems quite easy to let go of guilt, shame, and fear when someone else is willing to bear it all for their name’s sake. It is no different than occurring a late fee on a bill and the creditor decides to refund it back to you.

Saints, the LORD decided to issue us a credit in the form of his son. All debts, fees, and interest that have accumulated over our lifetimes were paid in full on Calvary.

Accepting this with a repenting heart is the first step in reconciliation, by which we become saved, and sealed by the Holy Spirit.

Hallelujah, we are now friends with God, and are able to walk in agreement with him as he reveals to us his many gifts.

Yes, there's more!

The LORD has revealed to me seven manifestations of Faith, and we will explore each one this week.

It was by Adam, the father of many men, that we inherited sin, but it was by one son, Jesus, that we were redeemed, and given a new inheritance. This One Son gave us an agreement with GOD.

The one thing that rings true is that our journey to Faith is unique, and tailored to the grace given to us by Christ. It should not be taken for granted, but cherished.

It was a gift given to us without protest. It hung from the cross looking down on us, and called us by our name. He called us knowing that we would have setbacks and a doubting heart at times. He called us knowing that we would turn inwardly, and outwardly, to resolve situations that needed his divine intervention.

By Faith we were redeemed by the Love of God to have Hope in his Son.


He called you by giving you a revelation of who he is; now you must mature, and discover what Faith can really do.

A Simple Prayer:
Lord, I am confident that I am redeemed by Faith, and ask that you remove any unbelief. My unbelief is not in your WORD, it is not in your son, but in external factors. Give me hope where it has died; give me a vision, where there is uncertainty. I Declare now in the name of JESUS that Faith, Love, and Hope are activated in me to overcome all the variables in my life. Amen

Ephesians 1 NIV
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace 8 that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. 9 And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.
 11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. 13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.