Friday, November 30, 2018

Jesus Is My Reason

30 Days of Gratitude, Day 30: I'm thankful that in a world that's not so kind, not so respectful or civil, that I still have a grateful spirit, mind and heart that delights in the LORD and all HE is. And that I still want HIS very BEST for others.

Through it ALL I thank the LORD for the ability to Strive and Thrive in my life. The road to great success has never been easy. You can fight off one or two people causing strife, but when you have a community banding together and encamped around you to do you harm by any means necessary; you know you have arrived at GREATNESS DOOR.

I don't know who you are fighting with per se, or the situations that have come about in your life, but I can tell you that PRAISE, GRATITUDE, and Working for the GOOD of ALL, will keep you STRIVING and THRIVING in your relationship with GOD. It will keep your hopes and dreams in your heart until they become a reality. It will keep LIFE flowing like streams of fresh water through you, nothing dead, nothing stagnant or stale will be able to attach itself to you, because JESUS is giving you LIFE each day more ABUNDANTLY.



Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Come Home

I'm praying that you return to your first love. It has been a hard year, no, an unbearable one for you. As one situation was being resolved, two more sprouted up. I get it. I am very familiar with trials and tribulations that seem to go on endlessly. I know you were giving it your best, yet it looked like your worst. Oh' how you cried, and whimpered at night. And lets not talk about the financial lack; zero in the checking, zero in the savings, and zero in the emergency fund, it's a miracle that you made it this far.

Most LOVED, 
It is through the most difficult times in our lives we discover who we really are. It is through the muck and mire, we get to see who's really for us to succeed. Trials are designed to mature us in our FAITH and prepare us for our place in the Body of Christ. It's either going to bend you to its will, or transform you in Christ Jesus.

The LORD, is reaching out his loving arms to you so wrap yourself in HIS love. Give him all the lack, pain, brokenness, and regrets. Your situation wasn't perfect, but perfection was taking place. It didn't provide all you wanted, but your needs were met. It didn't keep the fair weather folks around, but it showed you who will weather the storms with you. It didn't increase your bank account, but it built up your stamina to endure hardships. You have not been victimized. No, you are a VICTOR!

All you have to do is BELIEVE...


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Know Your Call, Assignment, and Who To Follow


There are so many wolves in sheep clothing that we have to be alert and sober minded to detect. We must lay aside feelings, solidarity, and thoughts that originate from our emotions to see the “TRUTH” of anything and remain strong in our FAITH, even against those who are in the faith.

Back in September, I posted a video that showed my neighbor allowing his dog to relieve himself in my yard, not the "CURB" to intentionally cause conflict. I received an expected mix reaction from my community, but the vulgarity from women were most appalling. There were so many attacks coming in all designed to remove us from our home, but no one saw that but us. Even the people that understood my position, could not see the wicked scheme at work.

What did surprise me was a woman who stated this: "I honestly never comment on these types of post and I probably shouldn’t start now. I hope this doesn’t come across as judgmental because that’s certainly not my intent. I see that you’re a Christian. I am a Christian as well."

She had a lot of lovely things to say about the LORD and his love, kindness, mercy, and to love my neighbor. She asked that I remove the video for my sake and my neighbors and pointed out that I would not want someone to point out my bad side. But what she was missing was discernment, because had she had it, she would’ve been standing in agreement with me to fend off the attacks of the enemy.

I did not capture a bad moment, or a bad day. I captured a liar, a slanderer, and a scoundrel doing the devil’s work against me who had time to think about his actions, but came back the very next day to escalate it.

In this season, follow the voice and instructions of the LORD in all things. Don’t let a babe or a feeble in Christ talk you out of your assignment or call, because they have not graduated to warfare.
