Friday, November 2, 2018

Give Thanks

I pray that you always receive a WORD from the LORD to meet your immediate need, and one or two to PROPEL you into your future.

I will share with you a few things before the year is out but what I will say now is that THROUGH it ALL, I'm grateful and I see JESUS making the crooked paths straight and the road smooth. What looked like trouble to others or even to me, was truly a blessing I had to change my vantage point to truly see. 

Some of y'all should be SHOUTING from the ROOFTOPS, because the fall that people was waiting to see, was actually your exit from them, your assignment for the LORD, your destiny 2.0 in the making, your transformation, your wilderness retreat, your testimony, and your promotion for HIS name sake. Amen!

When you find yourself hard pressed on every side it is then the flesh surrenders and humbles you before God. Many Christians today have never experienced all out warfare where their character is being attacked without cause, and it's because they're not a threat to anyone or anything but themselves.

We may not always understand the pain and the rejection while we are going through, but by my own experience, it caused me to not care about what others thought of me. I have been able to be obedient to God without being torn in regards to relationships. So many people are bending to someone else's thoughts about them and selling out folks to fit in. I choose to not be controlled by the bitterness in others. I'm grateful that God brought people into my life to impart strength, and conviction. I will always love them and pray that wherever they are now, it is where God has positioned and placed them.

I encourage us all to not despise the goodness in others that we do not understand. The Lord will place people in our paths to impart HIS truth to help us on our journey. We do not know what the future holds, so why go forward without what is needed to sustain us. Selah! 

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Those Seven Letters

Ephesians 4:32 MSG

31-32 Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.


I think we all can agree that at some point we had to forgive and be forgiven for some sort of offense. At times, we have even weighed the offense by its actual act and impact it had on our lives to determine if we could in fact let it go. Oh’ how we struggle to move past such egregious offenses like abuse, slander, and infidelity to name a few. Too often, we carry these offenses (sin) around in our hearts, minds and the very depth of our soul, only to perpetuate similar offenses (sin) against others.

I live by one simple motto “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” It has been established in my heart, mind and soul by the WORD of GOD, and a deep personal experience I had with JESUS during a very difficult time in my life. HIS love, peace and comfort allowed me to discern opportunities to do what is right even in my hurt.

Luke 6:31
Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Our strength and resolve to “Stand Firm” in our FAITH builds up a resistance to react to offenses. They become an “Ol’ MISS” (Failure to hit its target “US”).

Today, the LORD, is calling those who have put up residence in the darkness of offense and are weighed down with unforgiveness that holds them captive without hope, without love, without mercy, compassion, and peace. Some of you are just wandering around in the wasteland of bitterness. In times of loss and grief, you sink deeper into unforgiveness, instead of reaching out to cherish life and the family and friends that remain.

Come out of your self-made tombs and melt in the loving arms of JESUS. Amen!

Can you change the past? So why live there? I don’t know about you, but I choose to live in the present. I choose to acknowledge my own accountability and to surrender it all to JESUS. Life in so many ways is fragile, uncertain, and downright shocking at times. It brings the very best of times and the worst. It submits to plans of success and great adventure, as well as forces of opposition.

How you view the opposition, and offenses in your life will establish your spiritual character and your quality of life. But most importantly, it defines your relationship with the LORD.

Matthew 6:15 MSG

14-15“In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can’t get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God’s part.

I implore you to lay it on the altar. Give it to GOD. Let JESUS cleanse you of all unrighteousness. Let HIM be your “TRUTH” if you are still expecting someone to tell the truth. Let HIM be your “REDEEMER” if you are still looking for an apology. Let HIM be your “PEACE” if it cannot be obtained by a person, or situation. Amen!

Your “Quality” of life depends on it. Selah!