Monday, July 28, 2014

Test Me

So Yesterday I became a Marathoner!

You may be asking yourself what does that have to do with GOD?

Psalm 119:32
I run in the path of your commands, for you have broadened my understanding.

You see, while I was out running/walking in extreme weather conditions, God began to speak to me on my journey. I began to see myself, as well as others, through his eyes. It was such a beautiful revelation that rings with such profound truth, triumph, and sadness. (James 1 2-5)

I was scheduled to leave at 6am, but I woke up not feeling well, because of a head cold that I had been nursing for the last three days. I prayed about it of course, and waited until the symptoms subsided.

Some may say that I was not fully prepared, or that I should of gotten up a little earlier. Well, I would not dispute that, but you see, when I went to bed the night before I did so thinking I was 100%. I had no symptoms.

GOD begin to show me that waiting and trusting him in All things is Purposeful. We do not know the future. We do not know what symptoms or unfinished business per se will show up in our lives that will cause us to pause. However, our actions determine the outcome.

So Right now you may think you’re 100%, until you hear someone you know is getting married, got a promotion, or are just reaching their goals in life, and you can’t congratulate them or even acknowledge what’s happening for them in a genuine spirit. A “Symptom of Jealousy” has reared its ugly head, and it represents your own short comings. You may even start comparing yourself to them, or pointing out all the things you have that they don’t have. (Symptom of Low-Self-esteem) I can not leave out the emotional damage that’s done through self-doubt. (Symptom of Negativity)

Any remedy that does not include GOD is a personal choice to remain symptomatic. What is not realized at the time is that you are self sabotaging your own success. You are not applying what you heard, or what you say you believe in your own life. You are just pretending. You are a book filled with many chapters, but no happy ending. You jump from one thing to another, one person to another, and you feel no joy, because your symptoms were never diagnosed or dismissed.

Friends, the beautiful thing about God is that his requirements differ for us all, yet his standards are universal. Our maturity is not measured by age, or intellectual knowledge, but by our ability to be obedient, our ability to do what is right when it doesn't feel good in order to grow, our acceptance of failure in order to be successful, and our conduct as we go through diverse circumstance.
(Hebrews 5:13-14)

Beloved, God is ready to heal you right now, so you may live a purpose filled life. One that does not mirror others, but is truly designed by him. “Just Believe” (Romans 8:28-31) (2 Corinthians 3:17)

In the end, I could have finished my race a little sooner, and under less extreme conditions. Instead, I chose to trust GOD. I chose to Believe that he would deal with my symptoms once I confessed them with my mouth. I chose to Believe that his methods are just. I saw new things on my route that I had never seen before. I even met a woman that was just starting to take up running, and offered her some encouragement.

I started out late, but I finished my race without hurting myself or anyone else in the process. I waited for a PURPOSE!

Psalm 26.2
Test me, Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;
- Msg Bible
Examine me, God, from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I’m fit inside and out