Saturday, December 14, 2013

Being Wounded in Church

I often tell people that if you go to church to receive from people, what you expect to receive from GOD you will be greatly disappointed, because we are imperfect. But if you go to Church expecting to hear from GOD, you will be satisfied.

I’m not saying that the man or woman of GOD should not be held accountable if their behavior is unbecoming, I’m saying go to church for the right reasons. We all have our stories of being wounded in the battle of the “Pew and Pulpit” but the devil, will not be who he is, if he did not set up a few road blocks to prevent us from falling in love with GOD.  I have my stories, but I was always an avid reader of the WORD; even when I did not understand something, I prayed for clarity.

When I was about 24 or 25 I was put out of a church, because I told my Pastor, that I disagreed with a couple getting married, because of what felt, and knew of the situation. Well Saints, I was young. I knew I had the ability to see things and know things, but was unsure how to present it. I thought, because I had a rapport with my Pastor, and was his assistant I could just have a one on one. Laugh out Loud. No Sir, I was reprimanded and asked to recant what I said, and I refused and that was that. I loved my Church, I loved my Pastor and First Lady, as well as, the members. But I love GOD more.

I can assure you I was hurt. I cried out to my Father, but I kept pressing on. I attended a different church, but I never became a member of any Church since that time. Now, this happened over 10 years ago, and I’m just publicly talking about it, because it is necessary in this new season of True Intimacy with GOD, that we recognize that GOD is our TRUE SHEPHERD, and the men and women he entrust to lead us can not replace what we receive from Him alone. Please don’t think I’m saying to stop attending your church or withdraw your membership. (This was my story, not yours) I’m saying, never lose sight of  your purpose of fellow-shipping with the Church. Church Leaders are in place to teach us, inspire us correct us, rebuke us and train us in righteousness via the WORD of GOD. They have no control over our lives, and if you are in a controlling ministry, pray to GOD for direction. If you are not learning, growing or understanding your gifts, pray to GOD for direction,. It is not his will for his children to stay stagnant or move too quickly in areas we are not yet mature to handle.

I can tell you that in 2011, I contacted my old Pastor, and apologized for the way I went about conveying the information, but also found out that what I felt, and knew was correct. When you have an intimate relationship with GOD he will convict your heart at the right time to make things right.

I’m not sure if you know the story of King David and Uriah ( See 2 Samuel chapters 11-12) but King David slept with a married woman, impregnated her, and then called her husband back from war to cover it up by having him be with his wife, to give the appearance that Uriah was the Father. (Yes, they had similar issues in the Bible that we have today.)

Well the man was loyal to King David, and did not want to leave his side while all the other soldiers were gone off fighting, so David sent him back to the battlefield, and put him on the front line so he would be killed. It took the LORD about 10 months to deal with this mess with Kind David, and boy did he deal with him.

What am I saying? When you have a close relationship with GOD, he will call us out in his time to give an account for our actions. We don’t have to take matters in our own hands, and slander ministries, and leaders in the church. GOD will handle it, and he will often wait until we are mature enough to listen.

In this Season of True Intimacy with GOD, let go of  all the wrong that was done to you, and that you have done, to build a relationship with GOD that is unmovable to be called. “A person after GOD’s own heart.”

A Simple Prayer:
Lord I’m struggling with past hurts, past wrongs, and don’t know how to let go, but want to. Please renew my heart, my soul, and my mind to be focused on what is good, what is profitable what is right, what is pure, what is true, and what is news worthy. I forgive those that have trespassed against me and ask for forgiveness. Please guide me in my gifts and calling, and lead me to the right ministry to nurture them, In Jesus Name Amen.

In His Love,

Pastor Aisha 

A Message for Our Youth

It takes Courage, and Confidence to Stand on what you believe in, especially as a young person in today's society.  The LORD is pleased with those that continue to pursue him in spite of their circumstance.

GOD has not overlooked you, and he has not forgotten the promises that were prophesized concerning you. Please don’t underestimate your value, and place in the KINGDOM.

David had an Army, before he had a Kingdom, Sarah had a promise of a child, before conception, and Jesus was the Savior, before the fall of man. You were picked, set apart, and led on your own journey. What may seem like a detour is life’s lessons to ensure that your heart, mind, and soul stay connected to your first love. He is with you, and he Believes in you. Keep moving forward, and seeking his face, because he rewards those that do!

I'm praying for you.

Hebrew 11:6 Message Bible
It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.

In His Love,

Pastor Aisha

Friday, December 13, 2013

Intimacy with GOD in 2014 (Part2)

I had a really good talk with my oldest son about 2014, and what we will see and can expect from GOD. With that being said, Intimacy with GOD in 2014 will give us a double dose in all areas of our lives. We will see relationships rejuvenated, healed, and permanent forgiveness bringing families back together. 2014, will bring career opportunities for those that lacked confidence, and courage to step out of their comfort zone. And last but not least, deliverance for people Saved, but stuck living in the skin of the old man or woman while their pretending to be new creatures in Christ. The BODY of Christ has to get back to ministering the WORD by their conduct, not just lip service. Our focus should be bringing people to GOD, not running them out the Church, because they don't fit the part.

Church Leaders that are not nurturing GOD's children in the right spirit, and motive will be exposed. We have more Babes in the Church with the heart to do the work, but they lack CHRIST like role models to carry out the task. GOD is cleaning up his house for those that are going to worship him in Spirit and in TRUTH.

It's time to turn over the money tables in the Church, and start winning souls for the KINGDOM of GOD!

Matthew 21 The Message Bible
12-14 Jesus went straight to the Temple and threw out everyone who had set up shop, buying and selling. He kicked over the tables of loan sharks and the stalls of dove merchants. He quoted this text:
My house was designated a house of prayer;
You have made it a hangout for thieves.
Now there was room for the blind and crippled to get in. They came to Jesus and he healed them.
15-16 When the religious leaders saw the outrageous things he was doing, and heard all the children running and shouting through the Temple, “Hosanna to David’s Son!” they were up in arms and took him to task. “Do you hear what these children are saying?”
Jesus said, “Yes, I hear them. And haven’t you read in God’s Word, ‘From the mouths of children and babies I’ll furnish a place of praise’?”
17 Fed up, Jesus turned on his heel and left the city for Bethany, where he spent the night.

In His Love,

Pastor Aisha


I've learned so much over the last year about myself, and was told by a good friend, " To make decisions that I can live with." Those words have stuck with me since that day, and has helped me to make some difficult decisions concerning people in my life. I believe that our decisions are a reflection of our character, and what we say we believe in. It's funny how something so simple, can also be so profound when applied correctly.

WEmpowered Outreach Ministries is still Standing, a few windows may have been broken, but its foundation is still solid. 

Jesus life, and death was a struggle, and a purpose; and so is this life we live. Let it be said, that we never gave up. That we fought a good fight, and each failure brought on many more successes, each scar, a lesson learned, and each tear, a smile.

Let us love those that have shown us the opposite, and pray for their restoration.


Intimacy with GOD in 2014

What do you hear in the stillness of the day?

Some people prefer to stay busy so they don’t have to think about the unpleasantries in their life.  They take on projects or hobbies to stifle out the pain, or sadness. This is a house of cards just waiting to plummet to the ground as soon as a mild wind blows its way.  Others, tend to harp on the situation; not allowing it to breath to remove the stench of anger, and bitterness. They continue a rerun of the situation every time you talk to them, and have created their own real life drama show.

Sometimes silence, and an open heart is the key to an open mind. 

The LORD is not a forceful GOD. He can not make us see or hear reason. He can not use us for the Kingdom when what we sound like is a bunch of noise, and what we act like is a bunch of children playing a game of Church.

Intimacy with GOD is more than WORDS, it’s all heart. It is a life of living water flowing out of your being for you, and those that come in contact with you to receive what you need at any given moment. It is the Holy Spirit.

I look forward to 2014, because the Greatness that we will see is how GOD will turn those that are currently pretending to know him into his Disciples, and actually bring people to Jesus; not man.

Acts 2:38-39
Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off--for all whom the Lord our God will call."

A Simple Prayer:

LORD, I approach this year with expectancy in my heart, and a need for real intimacy with you. Help me be the person you destined me to be. Teach me how to communicate without words, and listen with my heart. Open my eyes to see the truth even in the darkest parts of my soul so I can be free. Teach me how to trust, and get out of my own way. I welcome the Holy Spirit in my life, In Jesus Name Amen.

In His Love,

Pastor Aisha Laws

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The WORD for 2014: Real Intimacy with GOD is not lip action, but all Heart!

There is nothing more special or endearing than having an intimate relationship with another person. The kind of intimacy that does not depend on words to convey the depth of ones feelings or needs. It is such a profound way to communicate that a look, tone, posture, or behavior of a friend, love one, co-worker or stranger will cause you to pause, and carve out some time to make sure they're alright. I've learned over the years that people struggle with expressing themselves or articulating their needs, and some people want what they don’t need. Instead of always having a heart to heart I just talk about things that I know they’re dealing with to nurture their spirit, stroke their ego, or give them wisdom to effectively handle life’s curve balls. I don’t expect each encounter to yield immediate results, but I do expect to sow a seed that will bud at the right time.

As we move into the new Year, the LORD desires for his people to have that kind of intimacy with him. One that does not always require a WORD that has to be looked up to confirm if it is so. But a deeper understanding of who he is, and what he requires from us personally. This is a personal journey, a personal relationship that is not measured by your Pastor, the Church, your family or friends, but by you. You and only you will have to give an account for your life; even if you did things out of ignorance. Hosea 4 , in part says, “My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge.

How many people read their Bible on their own? How many people know that when you say, “ I AM A Christian, that one day, you may have to die, because of it? (Read Revelation chapter 2) Before, I was ordained as a Pastor I read my WORD, and studied, because a title does not define you; it only affirms your position spiritually.

The LORD is calling all his children into an intimate relationship with him, one that can not be moved , or shaken by life’s misfortunes. One that will survive death, financial loss, heartache, despair, and even love. Our hearts should be that of the Father’s. I am baffled when I see racist, and hate groups associate themselves with Christianity when Jesus said, “The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31


At the end of the day, search your heart, and see if you have an intimate relationship with GOD; where the Bible does not have to confirm to you it is, you just feel it in the depth of your soul, and are convicted when your actions or thoughts are not a reflection of his. Pray if you don't know, because the LORD is faithful in conveying the truth to you!

Ezekiel 36 NIV
26. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 

For all the Christians that are like, nothing matters in the Old Testament:

1 John 2 (The Message Bible)
2-3 Here’s how we can be sure that we know God in the right way: Keep his commandments. 4-6 If someone claims, “I know him well!” but doesn’t keep his commandments, he’s obviously a liar. His life doesn’t match his words. But the one who keeps God’s word is the person in whom we see God’s mature love. This is the only way to be sure we’re in God. Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.

In His Love,

Pastor Aisha