Saturday, December 14, 2013

Being Wounded in Church

I often tell people that if you go to church to receive from people, what you expect to receive from GOD you will be greatly disappointed, because we are imperfect. But if you go to Church expecting to hear from GOD, you will be satisfied.

I’m not saying that the man or woman of GOD should not be held accountable if their behavior is unbecoming, I’m saying go to church for the right reasons. We all have our stories of being wounded in the battle of the “Pew and Pulpit” but the devil, will not be who he is, if he did not set up a few road blocks to prevent us from falling in love with GOD.  I have my stories, but I was always an avid reader of the WORD; even when I did not understand something, I prayed for clarity.

When I was about 24 or 25 I was put out of a church, because I told my Pastor, that I disagreed with a couple getting married, because of what felt, and knew of the situation. Well Saints, I was young. I knew I had the ability to see things and know things, but was unsure how to present it. I thought, because I had a rapport with my Pastor, and was his assistant I could just have a one on one. Laugh out Loud. No Sir, I was reprimanded and asked to recant what I said, and I refused and that was that. I loved my Church, I loved my Pastor and First Lady, as well as, the members. But I love GOD more.

I can assure you I was hurt. I cried out to my Father, but I kept pressing on. I attended a different church, but I never became a member of any Church since that time. Now, this happened over 10 years ago, and I’m just publicly talking about it, because it is necessary in this new season of True Intimacy with GOD, that we recognize that GOD is our TRUE SHEPHERD, and the men and women he entrust to lead us can not replace what we receive from Him alone. Please don’t think I’m saying to stop attending your church or withdraw your membership. (This was my story, not yours) I’m saying, never lose sight of  your purpose of fellow-shipping with the Church. Church Leaders are in place to teach us, inspire us correct us, rebuke us and train us in righteousness via the WORD of GOD. They have no control over our lives, and if you are in a controlling ministry, pray to GOD for direction. If you are not learning, growing or understanding your gifts, pray to GOD for direction,. It is not his will for his children to stay stagnant or move too quickly in areas we are not yet mature to handle.

I can tell you that in 2011, I contacted my old Pastor, and apologized for the way I went about conveying the information, but also found out that what I felt, and knew was correct. When you have an intimate relationship with GOD he will convict your heart at the right time to make things right.

I’m not sure if you know the story of King David and Uriah ( See 2 Samuel chapters 11-12) but King David slept with a married woman, impregnated her, and then called her husband back from war to cover it up by having him be with his wife, to give the appearance that Uriah was the Father. (Yes, they had similar issues in the Bible that we have today.)

Well the man was loyal to King David, and did not want to leave his side while all the other soldiers were gone off fighting, so David sent him back to the battlefield, and put him on the front line so he would be killed. It took the LORD about 10 months to deal with this mess with Kind David, and boy did he deal with him.

What am I saying? When you have a close relationship with GOD, he will call us out in his time to give an account for our actions. We don’t have to take matters in our own hands, and slander ministries, and leaders in the church. GOD will handle it, and he will often wait until we are mature enough to listen.

In this Season of True Intimacy with GOD, let go of  all the wrong that was done to you, and that you have done, to build a relationship with GOD that is unmovable to be called. “A person after GOD’s own heart.”

A Simple Prayer:
Lord I’m struggling with past hurts, past wrongs, and don’t know how to let go, but want to. Please renew my heart, my soul, and my mind to be focused on what is good, what is profitable what is right, what is pure, what is true, and what is news worthy. I forgive those that have trespassed against me and ask for forgiveness. Please guide me in my gifts and calling, and lead me to the right ministry to nurture them, In Jesus Name Amen.

In His Love,

Pastor Aisha 

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