Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bringing Down the WALL


We are in a season in which GOD is calling us to Love and be driven by one Purpose: HIS.

Let us demolish the politics of religion which are formulated to divide and conquer the people of GOD.

This diversion is a plot orchestrated by the enemy to set ego against ego. The acronym for ego that the LORD gave me is Everyone’s Got an Opinion, meaning “Let GOD be true, and every man a liar”, according to Romans 3:4.

I am not saying that the LORD does not reveal hidden knowledge to his people; I’m saying let his people fall out of the E.G.O. formation and seek the TRUTH of GOD.

The era is at hand where he will pour out his spirit on all flesh. It is imperative that the Holy Spirit is alive and activated. So many are still in bondage to the spirit of religion and yield to the tradition of men and not the counsel of WISDOM from above.

Let the Liberty that is found in Christ Jesus abound in your life and fall out of fellowship with the spirit of religion that is hindering the work of the Cross.

In order to do this you have to yield (surrender) your mind, soul, and spirit to put on the new creature in Christ Jesus with a sincere heart and prayer. You may also have to seek out a deliverance ministry to be free.

This includes religions of witchcraft, idolatry, false religions, and the self-agenda practiced by you or someone in your bloodline. (generational curses)

Let the Freedom of Christ truly reign in your life without ideology and the philosophy of mere men. So you can live above the influence. As well as,
teach, rebuke, correct and train others in righteousness, in the name of the LORD, and it is done so with the mind of Christ.

To have eternal life you have to be Pro- Eternal Life, and that can only be found in the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:6
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

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