Thursday, February 23, 2012

Activate the WORD

Our GOD is an Awesome GOD!

Those who wait and trust in the LORD are never disappointed. His Blessings bring no sorrow and HIS WORD is Everlasting!

Everything that I declare out of my mouth will be.

I shall speak blessings over all situations, and seek the LORD for guidance, and will wait until he answers me. I will wait with expectancy in my heart, knowing that my Father loves me, and think good thoughts towards me.

I shall dwell in the shelter of the MOST HIGH
and will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
He is my refuge and my fortress. 
I shall yield to his instructions, and lean not to my own understanding. I shall overcome every obstacle and all my plans will succeed, because I am sheep being led by the GOOD SHEPHERD in JESUS' name Amen!

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