Monday, February 27, 2012


Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. Matthew 9:35 NIV

Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.
Mark 1 38-39 NIV


The world and so-called Christians have a distorted view of the GOOD NEWS that Jesus came to declare to the world.

We know according to John 3:16 that GOD sent his only begotten son to save us, and if we believed we would be saved. But somehow this verse and the ones that follow are either misunderstood, or overlooked intentionally.

John 3 18-21 summation is: that if we do not believe we stand condemned already, because we did not believe in the NAME of GOD’s one and only son.

Jesus is light, and if we know him, he will expose what is hindering us from the life he died to give us.

These scriptures make it very clear that those that willfully continue in sin flee from the truth, and those that want to be redeemed by the NAME of JESUS will come to the light, and be set free.

It will be known that it was by the POWER OF GOD, because of the transformation that would take place in their lives.

As believers we’re not the standard for living, Jesus is.
But because we are his Ambassadors, we have to live a life that exemplifies his standard. Hebrews 12:2

We should be in constant prayer for people all over the world, but especially for our Brothers and Sisters who are not steadfast in the Faith.

Paul said it best:

Brothers, I do not yet consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained. (Philippians 3 13-16 NIV)

That being said, when I lived and participated in the depravity of the world, I had friends, co-workers, and family, proclaiming the GOOD NEWS and I rejected it.

In my mind, if the GOOD NEWS caused you to indulge more in a sinful lifestyle, I did not want it. I was better off with my own standard of living.

See, those people that claimed to be Christians did not attain what they had learned about the Gospel of the Kingdom. They were still living in darkness, and were not pressing toward the goal that was set for them. In fact, as the scripture stated in John 3:20, they feared their deeds would be exposed.

You may be like that. The LORD has spoken to you, or someone was sent to minister to you about the GOOD NEWS of the Kingdom, and you rejected it.

Please Repent, and pick up your Bible it is all there.

No one is accountable for your Salvation, but you. People may fail you, but they do not have to give an account for the way you live your life.

The LORD JESUS is bringing a revival back in the hearts of those that truly have embraced the KINGDOM OF GOD to stir up the Body and people alike that are living like GOD is not GOOD.

When you mature in your thinking, the LORD will reveal to you the Power of the GOOD NEWS, but as long as you stay immature, you will never obtain the keys to the KINGDOM. An immature mind has not been renewed by the Holy Spirit, and is still at enmity with GOD, in addition will not conform to put on the new man or woman.

Men, and women will continue to look for something good in cliches, self-help books and false religions.

Nevertheless, The GOOD NEWS~ is that, you do not have to be oppressed, depressed, and suicidal, because Jesus came that you might be healed.

I say might, because only you can come to him to be cured, and set free.

The GOOD NEWS~ is that you do not have to be poverty stricken or have a mindset that is bankrupt, because Jesus came for you to live the KINGDOM life and be Blessed beyond measure.

The GOOD NEWS~ is that you can be changed, you can be redeemed, you can be healed, you can be cured, and you can be an Ambassador for Christ, claiming the GOOD NEWS, because you believe in the NAME OF THE SON.

IT IS IN the name of JESUS that the Devil and his cohorts have to flee. It is in HIS NAME that the spirit of infirmity is bound and cast out. It is in HIS NAME that you were called before the foundation of this world to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of the KINGDOM OF GOD. Romans 8:30


It is impossible to keep silent on something so radical and supernatural. In HIS NAME all the issues of life are under our feet.

HE is the Redeemer, Jesus Christ! HE is the WORD, and all things were made through him.

It is with a heavy heart to conclude that those who feel judged have condemned themselves, because they chose not believe that Jesus was sent by GOD, to die a terrible death to redeem them from sin.

Let those that have an ear, hear what GOD is saying. Jesus is still in every city, every town, every by way and highway, every country and place of obscurity, healing people of every kind of disease, and every kind of sickness.

But most importantly, people are still being set free from the prince of darkness in HIS (JESUS') name.

People are still preaching the KINGDOM OF GOD, which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

I will Declare the GOOD NEWS of the KINGDOM OF GOD with the hope that all my Brethren will rekindle their fire, until the day I take my last breath, because the GOOD NEWS brought life more abundantly, and expectancy for life after death for us all.

Dear Friends,

Ask for the Living Water with a sincere heart, and it shall be given to you in JESUS' name. Amen!



  1. Anonymous2/27/2012

    Praise the LORD. This is a true word. Search our hearts and rekindle the fire. Amen
