Wednesday, January 18, 2012

There is no competition in Friendship, but there is an Agreement.


It Builds from within, it Strengthens what is weak.
It mirrors Change, and leads by example.
It Serves as a lifeline, not a stumbling block.

It expects the best from you.
It Gives without receiving.
It Loves without conditions.
It takes a backseat to your dreams, but a front row to your accomplishments.
It cheers you on, when you have given up.
It tells you the truth when self-deception has taken occupancy.
It honors you, but will not lie for you.

In Friendship there is no jealousy, envy or strife only his (GOD’s) love, his Spirit, his tenderness and compassion, his joy and his purpose in mind.


GOD will set the appointment for you to meet people that have been processed by him to enter into a friendship with.

I have spent my whole life being a friend but not being in a friendship until I married my husband.

But I met a man that changed my life and changed how I related to others.
He never left me, nor seen me suffer.

Psalm 119:63 GWT
I am a friend to everyone who fears you and to everyone who follows your guiding principles.

The criteria has been set by the Father and I strive to be in line with his will for my life.

I live in peace and can speak well about everyone, even, when they do not speak well about me because I did not agree with them from the beginning. I share information about myself as the Holy Spirit leads me and know that it is covered by the Blood. I have no enemies because those that oppose me, oppose GOD.


We often strive to be everything that GOD has not called us to be, and never learn how to be what he is.

I encourage you to stop playing with

When we live in his will, there is peace. If you have Frenemies, repent and ask GOD to forgive you for being out of the will for your life and fall out of fellowship with the spirit of discord, and strife and ask Peace to have its way in Jesus Name Amen….

Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

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