Thursday, February 16, 2012

Unity in the Faith

It is my deepest desire to see this carried out in the Body Christ, but it is also my responsibility to demonstrate this myself.

We are trail blazers and can carry the burden of others, as well as do what GOD has called us to do with love and sincerity in our hearts. We are pillars of God's community for those  that have not found their footing, and by his grace we are able to reach our mark.

I am grieved to not see this being fulfilled in mega ministries, as well as global ministries on the rise. Their hearts are ripped with manipulation, but their words give the appearance of support. God demands action in the Body of Christ in regards to our Brothers and Sisters.

We are no different than the world, by using others to gain the top position. I see this more and more and GOD is saying, "Enough."

Leaders get in line, Body of Christ rise up out of your own muck and mire and reach back for your own. Reach back as Christ has done for you in your constant backslidden state.

Yes, Beloved, I am afraid that you have backslidden from the genuine love of GOD that requires you to be a stepping stone for others. Yes, I am afraid that your own regrets have caused you to compete with those you were called to help.

I am not saying that your time is not now; I am saying that your time to serve is more important. I am declaring, that you are not the image of Christ in mind, heart and will.

Each portion that GOD has given us, has been set aside before the foundation of this world, this is not the fable of the, “Three Little Bears.”

We are all unique in the eyes of GOD, and it is by his Spirit that he gives us grace to administer his will here on earth.

Love people of GOD. Be deep-spirited friends to one another. Encourage each other, and put aside jealousy, envy and pride.

If not, you will stay wounded in your mind, heart, and will, even though you hide behind cosmetics and worldly attributes.

Repent! and Rise!

Rise! To be what GOD has called you to be, his Disciples.

We have to reach unity in the Faith, but the unity is not peace, but equality. Each person being regarded the same and respected for their occupation in the Body.


John 13 34-35
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

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