Saturday, February 18, 2012


Dear Friends,

We appreciate your support of the LORD's work, and pray that the WORD has encouraged you in some way in spite of your current circumstance, to Live Above the Influence.

We have a lot of projects in the works to reach the Body of Christ, and undiscovered children of GOD, and ask that you pray with us, to get it right for the LORD.

He is worthy of our best, and we are growing everyday, and not just in the things of GOD, but technical things as well.

We are excited, and look forward to sharing them with you.

Also, we were updating our site, and all subscriptions were deleted.

We do apologize, and have added new features that allow you to stay connected, and interact with us.


We thank you, appreciate you, and pray that our ministry has blessed you in some way.

Kingdom Blessings!

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