Thursday, February 2, 2012

Train Them!

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

It is my greatest desire that all parents take hold of this foundational principle in which their children will construct their lives.

The word “way” is a method or system of doing things, such as our behavior or culture.

A child’s training starts before the sperm encounters the egg.

The LORD told Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5)

Through this text we see that God prepares us for a task before our own natural existence.

I am grieved by the lack of training taking place today. So many confessed believers have strayed from the truth. The influence of the Mother and Father are almost extinct due to the self-agenda.

It is critical that women who are married with children are trained to be Godly wives and mothers.
It is a must that single women with or without children are trained as daughters to the Most HIGH first, and then prepared to be wives.

It is a must that men are trained as Head of their household and Fathers after God’s own heart.
It is crucial that men are taught to be sons first, then husbands and fathers later.

Men today, have too many children that are scattered abroad and being raised by multiple women under diverse beliefs, or none at all.

Such values are bankrupt and keep one oppressed, depressed, and wallowing in low self-esteem due to impoverished conditions. These conditions are not limited to the financial aspect, but also the emotional.

It amazes me how the latest gadgets have become idols in many households, and the family traditions have gone by the wayside.

This truly is a perverse generation being led by parents, perverse both naturally and spiritually.
Repentance is needed to bring about order in the households of GOD, and a call to the altar for many families. GOD is in the business of doing what you deem impossible, and it is never too late to start being the example. He is the only expert in such matters.

My middle son told me just yesterday, that he has to stop casting his pearls among swine. He stated that he does not feel that he is better than anyone, but that he was raised with higher standards.


My children are being raised by the narrow path, a course that is tight, but right.

It is “the way” that will produce personal conviction and godly integrity in spite of the difficulties that they will face, or the detour that they may take. I am confident they will return to their sure foundation in Christ Jesus.

It is our job to be THE EXAMPLE; good citizens and stewards.

Fathers, it is your duty to teach them the importance of being good husbands and fathers, as well as education, and work ethics.

Mothers, the need to be the Proverbs 31 is imperative. Your sons will see that you are favored and loved beyond measure and your daughters will imitate you in chastity and grace.

Your chances of having children that will grow to have healthy godly marriages will increase greatly because the LORD’s hands will be upon them.

I encourage you, parents, to stop wasting precious time. If you refuse to train them yourself, Satan and his cohorts will.

I Declare and Decree that 2012 is a season of restoration in families and bloodlines.

GOD is restoring order to His church and our families. The government of GOD will not be exclusive to the land, His jurisdiction extends to reach and touch our homes.

This order is not for one to rule over another, but to submit (willing) to GOD and his decree which is JUST and not over bearing.

The ministry of the family will rise like never before, and ministries that GOD has planted will train families in righteousness to war and put the devil under their feet.

I Declare and Decree, that the watchmen of every household will arise, and every Jael will put a nail in the plans of the enemy against her family, by the sword of the spirit. And every Cornelius will rise up and lead his family in submission, and power and authority given by the one TRUE GOD “YAHWEH” in Jesus Name...Amen I Declare!!

Scriptural References:
Acts 10 1-2
Judges 4
1 Corinthians 11:3

Jeremiah 30:17

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