Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Message for Our Youth

It takes Courage, and Confidence to Stand on what you believe in, especially as a young person in today's society.  The LORD is pleased with those that continue to pursue him in spite of their circumstance.

GOD has not overlooked you, and he has not forgotten the promises that were prophesized concerning you. Please don’t underestimate your value, and place in the KINGDOM.

David had an Army, before he had a Kingdom, Sarah had a promise of a child, before conception, and Jesus was the Savior, before the fall of man. You were picked, set apart, and led on your own journey. What may seem like a detour is life’s lessons to ensure that your heart, mind, and soul stay connected to your first love. He is with you, and he Believes in you. Keep moving forward, and seeking his face, because he rewards those that do!

I'm praying for you.

Hebrew 11:6 Message Bible
It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.

In His Love,

Pastor Aisha


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